Load Time | 170 ms - Unicorn powered webserver! |
Querying Time | 30 ms |
Queries | 46 |
Memory Peak Usage | 12.3 Mb |
Included Files | 214 files - 4.40 Mb |
PrestaShop Cache | 0.50 Mb |
Global vars | 1.22 Mb |
PrestaShop Version | |
PHP Version | 5.6.34 (OK) |
MySQL Version | 10.3.26-MariaDB-1:10.3.26+maria~stretch (OK) |
Memory Limit | 512M |
Max Execution Time | 30s |
Smarty Cache | enabled |
Smarty Compilation | never recompile |
Time | Cumulated Time | Memory Usage | Memory Peak Usage | |
config | 49 ms | 49 ms | 6.50 Mb | 6.57 Mb |
__construct | 0 ms | 49 ms | - Mb | 6.57 Mb |
init | 7 ms | 56 ms | 1.04 Mb | 7.62 Mb |
checkAccess | 0 ms | 56 ms | - Mb | 7.62 Mb |
setMedia | 4 ms | 60 ms | 0.07 Mb | 7.69 Mb |
postProcess | 0 ms | 60 ms | - Mb | 7.69 Mb |
initHeader | 0 ms | 60 ms | 0.01 Mb | 7.69 Mb |
initContent | 87 ms | 147 ms | 3.65 Mb | 11.50 Mb |
initFooter | 24 ms | 170 ms | 0.61 Mb | 12.29 Mb |
Hook | Time | Memory Usage |
__construct | 43 ms | 5.25 Mb |
hookfooter | 15 ms | - Mb |
hookdisplayHeader | 9 ms | - Mb |
hookHeader | 7 ms | - Mb |
hooktop | 6 ms | - Mb |
hookdisplayTop | 4 ms | - Mb |
hookdisplayFooter | 3 ms | - Mb |
hookmoduleRoutes | - ms | - Mb |
8 hooks | 87 ms | 5.25 Mb |
Module | Time | Memory Usage |
blocknewsletter | 13 ms | 1.50 Mb |
blockcart | 6 ms | - Mb |
blockcontact | 5 ms | - Mb |
blocksearch | 5 ms | - Mb |
blockcategories | 4 ms | - Mb |
blocksocial | 4 ms | - Mb |
blockcms | 4 ms | - Mb |
blockcontactinfos | 4 ms | - Mb |
blockmyaccountfooter | 4 ms | - Mb |
posrotatorimg | 3 ms | - Mb |
smartblog | 3 ms | 0.75 Mb |
statsdata | 3 ms | 0.50 Mb |
posmegamenu | 2 ms | - Mb |
posthemeoption | 2 ms | - Mb |
posstaticfooter | 2 ms | 0.25 Mb |
posfeaturedproducts | 2 ms | - Mb |
pagesnotfound | 1 ms | 0.25 Mb |
posslideshow | 1 ms | - Mb |
sekeywords | 1 ms | 0.25 Mb |
blockuserinfo | 1 ms | - Mb |
blocktags | 1 ms | - Mb |
blockpaymentlogo | 1 ms | - Mb |
correos | 1 ms | 0.25 Mb |
blocklayered | 1 ms | 0.25 Mb |
posnewproducts | 1 ms | 0.25 Mb |
posscroll | 1 ms | - Mb |
blockmyaccount | 1 ms | - Mb |
mailalerts | 1 ms | 0.25 Mb |
blockmanufacturer | 1 ms | 0.25 Mb |
blockcurrencies | 1 ms | - Mb |
sendtoafriend | 1 ms | - Mb |
blocksupplier | 1 ms | - Mb |
productscategory | 1 ms | - Mb |
blocklanguages | 1 ms | 0.25 Mb |
posaccessoriesproducts | 1 ms | - Mb |
poslogo | 1 ms | - Mb |
eicaptcha | 1 ms | - Mb |
socialsharing | 1 ms | 0.25 Mb |
posoverride | 1 ms | - Mb |
39 modules | 87 ms | 5.25 Mb |
Query | Time (ms) | Rows | Filesort | Group By | Location |
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE cl.*,c.*, cl.`name` country, z.`name` zone FROM `ps_country` c INNER JOIN ps_country_shop country_shop ON (country_shop.id_country = c.id_country AND country_shop.id_shop = 1) LEFT JOIN `ps_country_lang` cl ON (c.`id_country` = cl.`id_country` AND cl.`id_lang` = 1) LEFT JOIN `ps_zone` z ON (z.`id_zone` = c.`id_zone`) WHERE 1 ORDER BY cl.name ASC |
7.2 | 244 | Yes | /classes/Country.php:131 | |
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE h.`name` as hook, m.`id_module`, h.`id_hook`, m.`name` as module, h.`live_edit` FROM `ps_module` m INNER JOIN ps_module_shop module_shop ON (module_shop.id_module = m.id_module AND module_shop.id_shop = 1 AND module_shop.enable_device & 1) INNER JOIN `ps_module_shop` ms ON ms.`id_module` = m.`id_module` INNER JOIN `ps_hook_module` hm ON hm.`id_module` = m.`id_module` INNER JOIN `ps_hook` h ON hm.`id_hook` = h.`id_hook` LEFT JOIN `ps_module_group` `mg` ON mg.`id_module` = m.`id_module` WHERE (h.`name` != "displayPayment" AND h.`name` != "displayPaymentEU") AND (hm.`id_shop` = 1) AND (mg.`id_shop` = 1 AND mg.`id_group` IN (1)) GROUP BY hm.id_hook, hm.id_module ORDER BY hm.`position` |
5.3 | 219 | Yes | Yes | /classes/Hook.php:355 |
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_hook`, `name` FROM `ps_hook` UNION SELECT `id_hook`, ha.`alias` as name FROM `ps_hook_alias` ha INNER JOIN `ps_hook` h ON ha.name = h.name |
1.7 | 0 | /classes/Hook.php:131 | ||
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE c.`name`, cl.`id_lang`, IF(cl.`id_lang` IS NULL, c.`value`, cl.`value`) AS value, c.id_shop_group, c.id_shop FROM `ps_configuration` c LEFT JOIN `ps_configuration_lang` cl ON (c.`id_configuration` = cl.`id_configuration`) |
1.7 | 626 | /classes/Configuration.php:148 | ||
(SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE * FROM `ps_cart_rule` cr LEFT JOIN `ps_cart_rule_lang` crl ON (cr.`id_cart_rule` = crl.`id_cart_rule` AND crl.`id_lang` = 1) WHERE cr.`id_customer` = 0 AND cr.date_from < "2025-03-13 19:44:01" AND cr.date_to > "2025-03-13 19:44:01" AND cr.`active` = 1 AND cr.`quantity` > 0) UNION (SELECT * FROM `ps_cart_rule` cr LEFT JOIN `ps_cart_rule_lang` crl ON (cr.`id_cart_rule` = crl.`id_cart_rule` AND crl.`id_lang` = 1) WHERE cr.`group_restriction` = 1 AND cr.date_from < "2025-03-13 19:44:01" AND cr.date_to > "2025-03-13 19:44:01" AND cr.`active` = 1 AND cr.`quantity` > 0) |
1.5 | 1 | /classes/CartRule.php:291 | ||
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE m.page, ml.url_rewrite, ml.id_lang FROM `ps_meta` m LEFT JOIN `ps_meta_lang` ml ON (m.id_meta = ml.id_meta AND ml.id_shop = 1 ) ORDER BY LENGTH(ml.url_rewrite) DESC |
1.1 | 43 | Yes | /classes/Dispatcher.php:452 | |
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE * FROM ps_pos_staticfooter AS psb LEFT JOIN ps_pos_staticfooter_lang AS psl ON psb.id_posstaticblock = psl.id_posstaticblock LEFT JOIN ps_pos_staticfooter_shop AS pss ON psb.id_posstaticblock = pss.id_posstaticblock WHERE id_shop =1 AND id_lang =1 AND `hook_position` = "footer" AND `showhook` = 1 ORDER BY `posorder` |
0.8 | 9 | Yes | /modules/posstaticfooter/models/Staticfooter.php:53 | |
0.7 | 365 | Yes | /classes/Country.php:137 | |
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gs.*, s.*, gs.name AS group_name, s.name AS shop_name, s.active, su.domain, su.domain_ssl, su.physical_uri, su.virtual_uri FROM ps_shop_group gs LEFT JOIN ps_shop s ON s.id_shop_group = gs.id_shop_group LEFT JOIN ps_shop_url su ON s.id_shop = su.id_shop AND su.main = 1 WHERE s.deleted = 0 AND gs.deleted = 0 ORDER BY gs.name, s.name |
0.6 | 1 | /classes/shop/Shop.php:663 | ||
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE s.id_shop, CONCAT(su.physical_uri, su.virtual_uri) AS uri, su.domain, su.main FROM ps_shop_url su LEFT JOIN ps_shop s ON (s.id_shop = su.id_shop) WHERE (su.domain = 'pcs-informatica.es' OR su.domain_ssl = 'pcs-informatica.es') AND s.active = 1 AND s.deleted = 0 ORDER BY LENGTH(CONCAT(su.physical_uri, su.virtual_uri)) DESC |
0.5 | 1 | /classes/shop/Shop.php:334 | ||
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE m.`id_module`, m.`name`, ( SELECT id_module FROM `ps_module_shop` ms WHERE m.`id_module` = ms.`id_module` AND ms.`id_shop` = 1 LIMIT 1 ) as mshop FROM `ps_module` m |
0.5 | 92 | /classes/module/Module.php:277 | ||
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE m.`id_module`, m.`name`, ( SELECT id_module FROM `ps_module_shop` ms WHERE m.`id_module` = ms.`id_module` AND ms.`id_shop` = 1 LIMIT 1 ) as mshop FROM `ps_module` m |
0.5 | 92 | /classes/module/Module.php:277 | ||
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_guest` FROM `ps_connections` WHERE `id_guest` = 15329987 AND `date_add` > '2025-03-13 19:14:00' AND id_shop IN (1) ORDER BY `date_add` DESC LIMIT 1 |
0.4 | 1 | Yes | /classes/Connection.php:138 | |
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE * FROM `ps_hook_module_exceptions` WHERE `id_shop` IN (1) |
0.4 | 221 | /classes/module/Module.php:2141 | ||
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE IFNULL(left_column, default_left_column) as left_column, IFNULL(right_column, default_right_column) as right_column FROM ps_theme t LEFT JOIN ps_theme_meta tm ON (t.id_theme = tm.id_theme) LEFT JOIN ps_meta m ON (m.id_meta = tm.id_meta) WHERE t.id_theme =2 AND m.page = "discount" LIMIT 1 |
0.4 | 1 | /classes/Theme.php:275 | ||
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COUNT(*) FROM `ps_orders` o LEFT JOIN ps_order_cart_rule ocr ON (ocr.id_order = o.id_order) WHERE o.id_customer = 0 AND ocr.id_cart_rule = 1 LIMIT 1 |
0.3 | 1 | /classes/order/Order.php:795 | ||
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COUNT(DISTINCT c.id_currency) FROM `ps_currency` c LEFT JOIN ps_currency_shop cs ON (cs.id_currency = c.id_currency AND cs.id_shop = 1) WHERE c.`active` = 1 LIMIT 1 |
0.3 | 1 | /classes/Currency.php:472 | ||
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE su.physical_uri, su.virtual_uri, su.domain, su.domain_ssl, t.id_theme, t.name, t.directory FROM ps_shop s LEFT JOIN ps_shop_url su ON (s.id_shop = su.id_shop) LEFT JOIN ps_theme t ON (t.id_theme = s.id_theme) WHERE s.id_shop = 1 AND s.active = 1 AND s.deleted = 0 AND su.main = 1 LIMIT 1 |
0.2 | 1 | /classes/shop/Shop.php:203 | ||
0.2 | 2 | /classes/shop/Shop.php:1067 | ||
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE * FROM `ps_country` a LEFT JOIN `ps_country_lang` `b` ON a.`id_country` = b.`id_country` AND b.`id_lang` = 1 LEFT JOIN `ps_country_shop` `c` ON a.`id_country` = c.`id_country` AND c.`id_shop` = 1 WHERE (a.`id_country` = 6) LIMIT 1 |
0.2 | 1 | /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61 | ||
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE * FROM `ps_hook_alias` |
0.2 | 86 | /classes/Hook.php:187 | ||
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE * FROM `ps_currency` c INNER JOIN ps_currency_shop currency_shop ON (currency_shop.id_currency = c.id_currency AND currency_shop.id_shop = 1) WHERE `deleted` = 0 AND c.`active` = 1 ORDER BY `name` ASC |
0.2 | 1 | /classes/Currency.php:231 | ||
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_update) as last_update, filepath FROM `ps_smarty_lazy_cache` WHERE `template_hash`='d1056229f58680afc3abb294ccc05cf9' AND cache_id="blocksearch-top|1|1|1|6" AND compile_id="" LIMIT 1 |
0.2 | 1 | /classes/SmartyCustom.php:215 | ||
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_update) as last_update, filepath FROM `ps_smarty_lazy_cache` WHERE `template_hash`='cb6cebf1a2c8779bd980d9cd6a49d708' AND cache_id="blockcontactinfos|1|1|1|6" AND compile_id="" LIMIT 1 |
0.2 | 1 | /classes/SmartyCustom.php:215 | ||
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE * FROM `ps_currency` a LEFT JOIN `ps_currency_shop` `c` ON a.`id_currency` = c.`id_currency` AND c.`id_shop` = 1 WHERE (a.`id_currency` = 1) LIMIT 1 |
0.2 | 1 | /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61 | ||
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_update) as last_update, filepath FROM `ps_smarty_lazy_cache` WHERE `template_hash`='f4395a2b5c55543c049fd508c2edd212' AND cache_id="blocksocial|1|1|1|6" AND compile_id="" LIMIT 1 |
0.2 | 1 | /classes/SmartyCustom.php:215 | ||
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE * FROM ps_meta m LEFT JOIN ps_meta_lang ml ON m.id_meta = ml.id_meta WHERE ( m.page = "discount" OR m.page = "discount" ) AND ml.id_lang = 1 AND ml.id_shop = 1 LIMIT 1 |
0.2 | 1 | /classes/Meta.php:149 | ||
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COUNT(DISTINCT l.id_lang) FROM `ps_lang` l JOIN ps_lang_shop lang_shop ON (lang_shop.id_lang = l.id_lang AND lang_shop.id_shop = 1) WHERE l.`active` = 1 LIMIT 1 |
0.2 | 1 | /classes/Language.php:894 | ||
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_update) as last_update, filepath FROM `ps_smarty_lazy_cache` WHERE `template_hash`='d235de64539b58227b47fb627d49c8c8' AND cache_id="blockcontact|1|1|1|6" AND compile_id="" LIMIT 1 |
0.2 | 1 | /classes/SmartyCustom.php:215 | ||
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_update) as last_update, filepath FROM `ps_smarty_lazy_cache` WHERE `template_hash`='b5f94e52ea04bfbd850427a5ea8ee47b' AND cache_id="blockcategories|1|1|1|6|1" AND compile_id="" LIMIT 1 |
0.2 | 1 | /classes/SmartyCustom.php:215 | ||
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_update) as last_update, filepath FROM `ps_smarty_lazy_cache` WHERE `template_hash`='a662da1e73c933ed499147fadf472516' AND cache_id="blockmyaccountfooter|1|1|1|6" AND compile_id="" LIMIT 1 |
0.2 | 1 | /classes/SmartyCustom.php:215 | ||
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE * FROM `ps_group` a LEFT JOIN `ps_group_shop` `c` ON a.`id_group` = c.`id_group` AND c.`id_shop` = 1 WHERE (a.`id_group` = 1) LIMIT 1 |
0.2 | 1 | /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61 | ||
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE * FROM `ps_lang` a LEFT JOIN `ps_lang_shop` `c` ON a.`id_lang` = c.`id_lang` AND c.`id_shop` = 1 WHERE (a.`id_lang` = 1) LIMIT 1 |
0.2 | 1 | /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61 | ||
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE l.*, ls.`id_shop` FROM `ps_lang` l LEFT JOIN `ps_lang_shop` ls ON (l.id_lang = ls.id_lang) |
0.2 | 1 | /classes/Language.php:777 | ||
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_update) as last_update, filepath FROM `ps_smarty_lazy_cache` WHERE `template_hash`='13779e5fa24768c3390a8cc039da1d9d' AND cache_id="blockcms|2|1|1|1|6" AND compile_id="" LIMIT 1 |
0.2 | 1 | /classes/SmartyCustom.php:215 | ||
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_flush) as last_flush FROM `ps_smarty_last_flush` WHERE type='compile' LIMIT 1 |
0.2 | 1 | /classes/SmartyCustom.php:95 | ||
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE domain, domain_ssl FROM ps_shop_url WHERE main = 1 AND id_shop = 1 LIMIT 1 |
0.2 | 1 | /classes/shop/ShopUrl.php:169 | ||
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE id_shop FROM `ps_currency_shop` WHERE `id_currency` = 1 AND id_shop = 1 LIMIT 1 |
0.2 | 1 | /classes/ObjectModel.php:1459 | ||
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_flush) as last_flush FROM `ps_smarty_last_flush` WHERE type='template' LIMIT 1 |
0.2 | 1 | /classes/SmartyCustom.php:142 | ||
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE * FROM `ps_group_lang` WHERE `id_group` = 1 |
0.2 | 2 | /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:68 | ||
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE id_shop FROM `ps_lang_shop` WHERE `id_lang` = 1 AND id_shop = 1 LIMIT 1 |
0.2 | 1 | /classes/ObjectModel.php:1459 | ||
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COUNT(*) FROM `ps_orders` o LEFT JOIN ps_order_cart_rule ocr ON (ocr.id_order = o.id_order) WHERE o.id_customer = 0 AND ocr.id_cart_rule = 2 LIMIT 1 |
0.2 | 1 | /classes/order/Order.php:795 | ||
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE * FROM `ps_shop` a WHERE (a.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1 |
0.2 | 1 | /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61 | ||
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE * FROM `ps_theme` a WHERE (a.`id_theme` = 2) LIMIT 1 |
0.2 | 1 | /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61 | ||
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE * FROM `ps_shop_group` a WHERE (a.`id_shop_group` = 1) LIMIT 1 |
0.2 | 1 | /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php:61 | ||
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE id_shop FROM `ps_group_shop` WHERE `id_group` = 1 AND id_shop = 1 LIMIT 1 |
0.1 | 1 | /classes/ObjectModel.php:1459 |
2 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ps_orders` o LEFT JOIN ps_order_cart_rule ocr ON (ocr.id_order = o.id_order) WHERE o.id_customer = XX AND ocr.id_cart_rule = XX LIMIT XX |
2 | SELECT m.`id_module`, m.`name`, ( SELECT id_module FROM `ps_module_shop` ms WHERE m.`id_module` = ms.`id_module` AND ms.`id_shop` = XX LIMIT XX ) as mshop FROM `ps_module` m |
7 smarty_lazy_cache |
4 lang_shop |
4 currency_shop |
4 module_shop |
4 shop |
4 shop_url |
3 module |
3 hook |
3 lang |
3 meta |
3 currency |
3 theme |
2 group_shop |
2 cart_rule |
2 order_cart_rule |
2 orders |
2 cart_rule_lang |
2 smarty_last_flush |
2 meta_lang |
2 country |
2 configuration |
2 shop_group |
2 country_lang |
2 country_shop |
2 hook_alias |
1 module_group |
1 connections |
1 pos_staticfooter |
1 pos_staticfooter_shop |
1 pos_staticfooter_lang |
1 configuration_lang |
1 group |
1 zone |
1 hook_module_exceptions |
1 state |
1 theme_meta |
1 hook_module |
1 group_lang |
Name | Instances | Source |
Currency | 7 | /classes/Tools.php [614] /classes/CartRule.php [388] /classes/CartRule.php [388] /controllers/front/DiscountController.php [52] /controllers/front/DiscountController.php [53] /controllers/front/DiscountController.php [52] /controllers/front/DiscountController.php [53] |
Language | 2 | /config/config.inc.php [195] /classes/Tools.php [500] |
Cart | 1 | /classes/controller/FrontController.php [348] |
Group | 1 | /classes/Cart.php [184] |
Staticfooter | 1 | /modules/posstaticfooter/posstaticfooter.php [24] |
Theme | 1 | /config/config.inc.php [115] |
Customer | 1 | /config/config.inc.php [221] |
ShopGroup | 1 | /classes/shop/Shop.php [518] |
Shop | 1 | /config/config.inc.php [114] |
Country | 1 | /config/config.inc.php [142] |
# | Filename |
1 | /index.php |
2 | /config/config.inc.php |
3 | /config/defines.inc.php |
4 | /config/settings.inc.php |
5 | /config/autoload.php |
6 | /config/alias.php |
7 | /classes/PrestaShopAutoload.php |
8 | /cache/class_index.php |
9 | /config/bootstrap.php |
10 | /Core/Business/Core_Business_ContainerBuilder.php |
11 | /Core/Foundation/IoC/Core_Foundation_IoC_Container.php |
12 | /Adapter/Adapter_ServiceLocator.php |
13 | /classes/controller/Controller.php |
14 | /classes/ObjectModel.php |
15 | /Core/Foundation/Database/Core_Foundation_Database_EntityInterface.php |
16 | /classes/db/Db.php |
17 | /classes/Tools.php |
18 | /classes/Context.php |
19 | /classes/shop/Shop.php |
20 | /classes/db/DbPDO.php |
21 | /classes/Configuration.php |
22 | /classes/Validate.php |
23 | /classes/cache/Cache.php |
24 | /Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php |
25 | /classes/db/DbQuery.php |
26 | /classes/Theme.php |
27 | /config/defines_uri.inc.php |
28 | /tools/htmlpurifier/HTMLPurifier.standalone.php |
29 | /classes/Language.php |
30 | /classes/Country.php |
31 | /classes/PrestaShopCollection.php |
32 | /classes/shop/ShopGroup.php |
33 | /classes/Cookie.php |
34 | /classes/Rijndael.php |
35 | /config/smarty.config.inc.php |
36 | /tools/smarty/Smarty.class.php |
37 | /tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_data.php |
38 | /tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php |
39 | /tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php |
40 | /tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_resource.php |
41 | /tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_resource_file.php |
42 | /tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_cacheresource.php |
43 | /tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_cacheresource_file.php |
44 | /classes/SmartyCustom.php |
45 | /config/smartyfront.config.inc.php |
46 | /classes/Customer.php |
47 | /classes/Group.php |
48 | /classes/Link.php |
49 | /classes/shop/ShopUrl.php |
50 | /classes/Dispatcher.php |
51 | /classes/Hook.php |
52 | /tools/mobile_Detect/Mobile_Detect.php |
53 | /config/db_slave_server.inc.php |
54 | /classes/module/Module.php |
55 | /modules/smartblog/smartblog.php |
56 | /modules/smartblog/classes/BlogCategory.php |
57 | /modules/smartblog/classes/Blogcomment.php |
58 | /modules/smartblog/classes/BlogPostCategory.php |
59 | /modules/smartblog/classes/BlogTag.php |
60 | /modules/smartblog/classes/SmartBlogPost.php |
61 | /modules/smartblog/classes/BlogImageType.php |
62 | /modules/smartblog/controllers/admin/AdminAboutUsController.php |
63 | /classes/controller/ModuleAdminController.php |
64 | /classes/controller/AdminController.php |
65 | /classes/Translate.php |
66 | /themes/pos_haxico1/modules/smartblog/translations/es.php |
67 | /controllers/front/DiscountController.php |
68 | /classes/controller/FrontController.php |
69 | /themes/pos_haxico1/lang/es.php |
70 | /classes/Currency.php |
71 | /classes/Cart.php |
72 | /classes/CartRule.php |
73 | /classes/Meta.php |
74 | /classes/Product.php |
75 | /classes/webservice/WebserviceRequest.php |
76 | /classes/Media.php |
77 | /modules/posfeaturedproducts/posfeaturedproducts.php |
78 | /themes/pos_haxico1/modules/posfeaturedproducts/translations/es.php |
79 | /modules/socialsharing/socialsharing.php |
80 | /themes/pos_haxico1/modules/socialsharing/translations/es.php |
81 | /modules/socialsharing/translations/es.php |
82 | /modules/blocksocial/blocksocial.php |
83 | /themes/pos_haxico1/modules/blocksocial/translations/es.php |
84 | /modules/blocksocial/translations/es.php |
85 | /modules/blockcategories/blockcategories.php |
86 | /themes/pos_haxico1/modules/blockcategories/translations/es.php |
87 | /modules/blockcategories/translations/es.php |
88 | /modules/blockcurrencies/blockcurrencies.php |
89 | /themes/pos_haxico1/modules/blockcurrencies/translations/es.php |
90 | /modules/blockcurrencies/translations/es.php |
91 | /modules/blocklanguages/blocklanguages.php |
92 | /themes/pos_haxico1/modules/blocklanguages/translations/es.php |
93 | /modules/blocklanguages/translations/es.php |
94 | /modules/blockcms/blockcms.php |
95 | /modules/blockcms/BlockCMSModel.php |
96 | /themes/pos_haxico1/modules/blockcms/translations/es.php |
97 | /modules/blockcms/translations/es.php |
98 | /modules/blockcontactinfos/blockcontactinfos.php |
99 | /themes/pos_haxico1/modules/blockcontactinfos/translations/es.php |
100 | /modules/blockcontactinfos/translations/es.php |
101 | /modules/blockmanufacturer/blockmanufacturer.php |
102 | /themes/pos_haxico1/modules/blockmanufacturer/translations/es.php |
103 | /modules/blockmanufacturer/translations/es.php |
104 | /modules/blockmyaccount/blockmyaccount.php |
105 | /themes/pos_haxico1/modules/blockmyaccount/translations/es.php |
106 | /modules/blockmyaccount/translations/es.php |
107 | /modules/blockmyaccountfooter/blockmyaccountfooter.php |
108 | /themes/pos_haxico1/modules/blockmyaccountfooter/translations/es.php |
109 | /modules/blockmyaccountfooter/translations/es.php |
110 | /modules/blocknewsletter/blocknewsletter.php |
111 | /themes/pos_haxico1/modules/blocknewsletter/translations/es.php |
112 | /modules/blocknewsletter/translations/es.php |
113 | /modules/blockpaymentlogo/blockpaymentlogo.php |
114 | /themes/pos_haxico1/modules/blockpaymentlogo/translations/es.php |
115 | /modules/blockpaymentlogo/translations/es.php |
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210 | /translations/es/errors.php |